Symptoms of Malnutrition Post Gastric Bypass

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

Gastric bypass, like any other surgery, has its risks and complications. The altering of the gastrointestinal tract during gastric bypass surgery results in reduced absorption of calcium, iron, and calories. This can cause malnutrition. Surgery success depends upon your willingness to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Protein Deficiency

The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) lists the following as the signs and symptoms of protein deficiency after gastric bypass surgery:

  • Hair loss
  • Tiredness
  • Swollen legs
Diet After Gastric Bypass
Nutritional Deficiency Post Gastric Bypass

Multivitamin and Mineral Deficiency After Gastric Bypass and Their Symptoms

Diet After Gastric Bypass
Diet of Gastric Bypass Prevent Deficiency

Overcoming Nutritional Deficiency Post Gastric Bypass

  • By incorporating fish, fat-free milk, and yogurt.
  • Do not skimp on fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Make sure to follow your post-bariatric multivitamin regimen.
  • The dosage for B-complex, calcium, and iron should be higher than recommended levels.
  •  Have a heavy dosage of Vitamin B12 if taking it in the form of pills.
  • Have a citrated form of calcium to achieve its optimal absorption.
  • Iron should be taken along with Vitamin C for optimal absorption.
  • Never combine iron supplements with calcium, as the two taken together will try to outdo each other to get absorbed by the body.
This Post Addresses
  • Vomiting/throwing up after gastric sleeve
  • Gastric bypass malabsorption syndrome
  • Nutritional deficiencies after gastric bypass
  • Gastric bypass starvation
  • Protein deficiency after gastric bypass
  • Gastric bypass vitamin deficiency treatment

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