Veronica’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery Testimonial – Tijuana

Veronica’s Gastric Sleeve Surgery Testimonial – Tijuana

Veronica Baysinger from North Pole, Alaska traveled all the way with her husband to the Mexican border city of Tijuana for her gastric sleeve surgery. In her testimonial, Veronica is all praise for our personnel staff that took care of her (including the driver) and the doctors. Disclaimer: Weight loss results may vary. We do…

Stomach Sleeve in Tijuana – Ana’s Testimonial
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Stomach Sleeve in Tijuana – Ana’s Testimonial

Ana Fuente from San Carlos, California, USA is another of our happy customers who had her gastric sleeve surgery in Tijuana. Disclaimer: Weight loss results may vary. We do not guarantee any specific results. Here is her short and sweet word of praise: “Estoy moy satisfeche can el servicio recibido mucha gracias a todos Ate Ana…