1 Year After Bariatric Surgery: Post-op Instructions

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

Happy Surgery Anniversary!!

This was a big year for you and hopefully full of exciting milestones! The road to good health is constantly evolving and never really over.

As you step into year two of life after surgery, remember that long term weight maintenance and health is 100% up to you and the choices you make each day.

No one is perfect, but it is important to strive for new health goals continually.

You may have learned this year, that the number on the scale is not everything, and does not necessarily lead to happiness, although it can sure help.

Continuing to challenge yourself and making new goals that are not strictly driven by your weight is essential. Exercise goals are particularly vital. Think about individuals that are in great shape.

Are they worried about the exact number on the scale? Or their performance? Make some new goals in your exercise regimen, and you will reap the benefits in more ways than one.

Here are some ideas pending your current level of activity:

  • Ten squats without stopping
  • Walk 1 mile in less than 20 minutes
  • Jog 1 mile in less than 15 minutes
  • Doing ten push-ups on your knees
  • Swimming for 20 minutes

Individuals that have long, healthy, independent lives almost always have a challenging exercise regimen. Instead of focusing on what the scale says, focus on what your body can do!

Continue to take vitamins and mineral supplements every day and have your labs checked at least once a year and more often if levels are not within normal limits.

It is natural for your requirements to increase or decrease depending on your gender, age, physical abilities, co-morbid conditions, lifestyle, and environment.

Tip of the Year

  • Choose a whole-food-based eating plan to continue to lose weight and transition into a maintenance weight.
  • Keep processed and convenient-type foods to a minimum in your day to day food choices.

  • Stick with vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, lean meats/eggs, whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, and barley.

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