11 Essential Things to Pack for Bariatric Surgery

There are some essential things you must carry for weight loss surgery, to Mexico. Ensure an easy stay before and after weight loss surgery with these things in your hospital bag.

  1. Loose cotton tops & pants (no zippers/buttons and elastic waistbands)
  2. Loose undergarments
  3. Warm socks (some people tend to get cold after surgery even in summers!)
  4. Slippers/slip-ons
  5. Eyeglasses (in case you wear contact lenses)
  6. Your travel documents
  7.  Comfortable clothes (you are only required to wear the hospital gown right before your bariatric surgery and may change after if you wish.)
  8. Toiletries (some are provided, but better safe than sorry)
  9. Cell phone and charger, with the international calling from Mexico plan, activated
  10. Small money bills for tipping in Mexico and for any extra bills that may arise
  11. Heating pad

This post addresses

  • Bariatric surgery checklist
  • Bariatric surgery pre-op preparation
  • Gastric bypass surgery checklist
  • Hospital stay for gastric sleeve surgery
  • Bariatric surgery packing list
  • Pre gastric bypass surgery diet plan
  • Gastric sleeve hospital stay

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