Why You Should Get Lab Tests Annually Post Bariatric Surgery

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

It is important to have your labs checked at least yearly after bariatric surgery. A lot of patients tend to let this go as they maintain their weight loss and get further out from surgery. However, the further out from weight loss surgery you are, the more at risk you are for deficiencies.

Here is a list of multivitamins to be taken after bariatric surgery.

Why You Should Get Labs Done Every Year

Monitor Nutritional Status

After weight loss surgery, the bariatric patient’s ability to digest food and absorb nutrients is severely affected. Hence, it is important to keep a check on any nutritional deficiencies that may come up post a bariatric procedure.

Check for Health of Bodily Organs

Many times a bariatric patient is suffering from some nutritional deficiency or the other. These deficiencies adversely affect some organs like the heart and the kidneys. Annual tests will help you take care of your health before a serious health issue comes up.

Bariatric Patients Should Get the Following Tests Done

  • Vitamin D 25-OH
  • Parathyroid (>65pg/mL) means you could have a calcium deficiency
  • Ionized Calcium
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
  • MMA (Methylmalonic Acid) RBC Folate
  • Thiamine (B1)
  • PT & INR
  • Serum Vitamin A & Plasma Retinol
  • Iron, including serum iron, TIBC, Ferritin, MCV, RDW, HGB, and HCT
  • Serum Zinc
  • Serum Copper
  • Serum Selenium

In addition to this list of labs, you will want to have a DXA scan every 2 years.

The DXA scan measures your bone density. Because your body absorbs nutrients differently after gastric sleeve, bypass or any other weight loss surgery, this is an important test to have done to ensure your bones are staying strong.

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