Week 8: Post Bariatric Surgery Instructions

Medically Reviewed by Katelyn J. Mock, US-Registered Dietician (R.D.)

At two months after bariatric surgery, most patients are ready to start experimenting with adding fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily mini-meals and can resume a “normal” solid food diet.

Remember to eat slowly and continue with the dime-sized bites. Some people will continue to avoid the skins, such as on an apple or cucumber. The decision is yours!

Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber to help your body perform necessary life functions and to increase your energy levels. While nutrient-dense, fresh vegetables and fruits are low in calories and aid in your continued weight loss!

How is meal planning going? Do you find yourself getting burned out on the same foods that you were eating 3 weeks after surgery?

Keep It New

Start trying some new healthy recipes with your diet advancement to get out of the funk! Try some grilled fish, chicken, or Portobello mushrooms on top of some steamed or lightly sautéed vegetables with goat cheese or parmesan.

Video: Quick Breakfast Meal Recipie

Some great websites for more healthy-recipes are:

As you lose weight quickly in the first 3-6 months, you may notice body aches, being more sensitive to the cold, hair loss, potentially feeling more tired, and at times mood changes.

This is all normal. However, do not hesitate to contact your physician and/or reach out via our Facebook support group for more information or support.

Tips for Diabetics

If you have diabetes and are on any medications for improved blood glucose management, remember to have regular follow-up appointments with your primary physician to adjust your medications.

Video: Weight loss surgery and Diabetes

Tip of the Week

You can use a straw if it helps to get in your recommended fluid intake each day. The use of straws can be controversial due to the extra air that some people take in.

However, if you do not notice any negative side effects like bloating or gas with the use of a straw, then go ahead and continue to use them with your favorite beverages.

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  1. I can’t eat chicken anymore of any kind.why is that. It makes me vomit .with in a minute

  2. Hi Lorri. Chicken is a very common food intolerance after surgery and frequently is related to its drier texture. Food intolerances do not always make sense to patients or health care professionals, but listen to your body and avoid any food that does not “sit well” in your stomach or pouch.
    Here are some tips for when you consume any kind of meat. 1) Choose moist, tender well cooked meats. Using a crock pot or slow cooker is great for this. 2) Include a broth or sauce with your meat for extra moisture. 3) Cut meat into dime sized bites or smaller. Chew thoroughly and wait 30-60 seconds between bites. 4) Avoid breaded and fried meats.
    If you still have difficulty with chicken after trying the above suggestions, I would avoid it for at least 1-2 months. Food intolerances usually improve with time.

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